A smile design makeover can be used to create substantial changes to the appearance of your teeth. To do this, our dentists will often use a combination of different treatments to achieve the desired outcome. This approach can also be a more conservative and cost-effective way to improve your smile while conserving healthy teeth. Our aim is always to protect and preserve your natural teeth and to avoid unnecessary modifications and treatments.
After carrying out a detailed examination of your teeth, including the way they bite together, our dentist will sit with you to discuss how you’d like to improve your smile and if there are certain aspects that particularly concern you, for example perhaps you have a gap in between your teeth or feel your teeth aren’t quite the right shape.
Surgical Warning
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should obtain opinions and advice by an appropriately qualified health practitioner. Results and procedures required will vary from individual to individual.
This allows us to build your customised treatment plan and to talk about the best way to proceed with your treatment. We may also suggest more complex treatments such as orthodontics to realign crooked teeth. This can improve your smile and your dental health, making it easier to brush and floss and preventing excess wear and tear to teeth due to an incorrect bite. If this is the case, we can refer you to a qualified specialist.