If you brush and floss regularly and visit us for check-ups and cleanings, then you might think that your diet doesn’t really have much of an impact, but the opposite can be true as what you eat and how often you eat it can make a considerable difference. The main problem is the way food particles are used by bacteria in your mouth, causing acid erosion.
Every time you eat something sugary or which is high in carbohydrates, you are enabling bacteria in your mouth to thrive as they use leftover food particles for an energy source. As they do so, they create acids that weaken your tooth enamel, increasing your risk of decay. If you frequently snack, then your mouth will remain acidic for longer.
Yes, as ideally you should wait at least half an hour after eating anything so your mouth become less acidic. This allows the tooth enamel to become slightly harder, reducing some of the effects of acid erosion on your teeth.
It is relatively easy to make your diet more tooth friendly simply by making a few changes. If you frequently snack in between meals then try to reduce this habit, or alternatively choose snack foods that are healthier for teeth. Good choices include hard cheese and low-sugar yoghurts, as well as crunchy fruits and vegetables as these have a high water content which helps to neutralise acids. Keep starchy and sugary foods as part of a main meal. Try to avoid soft drinks as even the diet versions are laden with acids and instead stick to water. Fruit juice is often perceived as being healthy but can be high in sugars. It is better to eat the whole fruit.
Please talk toour friendly team here at Redcliffe Dental if you would like more personalised dietary advice as we’ll be more than happy to help.